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sl_7 wrote

There is beautiful music even now... it's a shame that it is little known. There are bands like Ashenspire, Los Random etc...


ronrage wrote

There are fabric ones on there, my mother got one last year. I think the brand is SeatZone. They might only have one color left though for ones with springs in them. Navy I think it was. She got gray and I know my sister was looking at them a few weeks ago and said they only had one color left. The other options have no springs.


ronrage wrote

Reply to by hippiechik27

Nice find! I might get these just to warm my boots up before heading to work in the morning. I walk to to work since it is only a 15 min walk away and it gets me some exercise. Plus my car is acting up so I can't really rely on it right now.


ronrage wrote

Mixed ones over all I would say but if you want a true breed the ragdoll is a very healthy one and fairly cheap in terms of price. My sister has a pair of siblings and they are both 15 and no health issues. Still very active and alert.


ronrage wrote

Get premium and post memes. I know this sounds ridiculous but memes are like a currency on there and you can garner a huge following posting them in replies and then posting them as posts on your account.


hippiechik27 wrote

I am playing DXD (Dead By Daylight) with my friends currently, lots of fun! I also like to play Rocket League and Apex Legends. Both of those are always free to play.


whizdoge wrote

It sucks. I mean I don't really know what happened. In 2020 there were houses all over for as lose as $140k in GOOD areas! Now I can't manage to find a good house in a nice area for under $450k!! They either have small yards, are on main roads, or need a lot of work.


whizdoge wrote

I think overall the Switch is the best one when it comes to being a true gaming system. While I do enjoy consoles though, I would put PC above them in most regards.


whizdoge wrote

Reply to comment by bomberace213 in Fun Co-Op (online) Games by BZGamer

If anyone is wondering, Far Cry 5 is a better game than Far Cry 6 which is why I am assuming it was not recommended here. It is awful. You will experience some bugs in Far Cry 5 doing co-op which is annoying but if you look past it, the game is fun!


bomberace213 wrote

I guess it comes down to game releases for me in terms of single console release titles. I think as of this most recent gen. PS has the better titles but that appears to be changing in the future. I have a PS5 now but am considering get an Xbox (when the new ones come out).


BZGamer wrote

I wonder if they knew for awhile and didn't tell you guys. Maybe they told the doctors but left the rest of the staff in the dark? Seems pretty crappy if you ask me. I would see if you can contact a local news station to investigate it. Maybe some other hospitals will offer you and your co-workers jobs.


BZGamer wrote

Got the Series X and love it. I just wish I got it sooner cause they are already coming out with another one. I feel like I am going to be behind with everything. I did get it for a good deal, only $350. I think when it first came out it was $600+.


BZGamer wrote

Reply to Reacher by wiseshrimp

It is a good show if you like high-action series. It is similar to like 24 for example. You get a lot of the dude just beating the crap out of people lol